Tuesday, March 4, 2008

In China

After 30 long hours of travel in trains, plains, and automobiles, I am in Kunming, China. What a beautiful country! I am travelling with my brother Buddy. We met at JFK and have enjoyed hanging as we flew half-way around the world. We are both joking (kind of) about getting the bird flu...a bunch of people on the plain were wearing surgical masks! Can I just say the obvious in that Buddy and I don't fit very well on airplanes. We have never made a trip overseas together but have always dreamed of it.

We are here visiting my sister Kristin and brother-in-law Jerry. They have lived here for over 5 years now and it is great to see their incredible life here. They both have learned the language and adjusted to the culture in an amazing way. To see them engage and interact with the people is amazing! The Chinese people are some of the most engaging and friendly people I have ever interacted with outside the US.

It is difficult to describe the feeling I get when I watch Kristin and Jerry here. My sis is speaking in Mandarin Chinese! She was trying to get me to use chop sticks at dinner last night but I went with the old faithful fork because I was ready to chow down. I'll work on the chopsticks some more today.

Buddy and I keep looking at each other and saying..."Can you believe we are in China"? It is surreal to say the least. To think of three kids growing up on Elmwood Avenue in West Chester being in China together is crazy!

We are headed out into the villages shortly. Kunming is a huge city of around 5 million people. People are everywhere here. The traffic was the most intense I have ever experienced between the cars, buses, mopeds, and bikes. Oh yea, and no bike helmets. I saw a dad, mom, and toddler on a moped with no helmets! Anyway, we are taking about a 2 hour drive out into a smaller city and then to villages an hour and a half further away. So more travel! l will keep you updated as I have access.

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