Monday, March 3, 2008

The Power Of One

Preaching has three phases to have the time and thought that goes into the preparation, then of course their is the delivery phase...that is the part that you guys see and hear each week. The part you rarely hear about is the post preaching second guessing that happens as I reflect and pray back through Sunday. This past Sunday I really wish I would have talked more about the power of one...

You see it is all about lives changing one heart at a time. It is about the one. The one that is far from God...the one who is down to their last attempt...the one who is desperate for a new start. Every week they come and every week they hear about the life changing love of Jesus Christ. Churches can dial into programs and numbers but it is, and must always be, about the one.

In a consumer dominated society it is difficult to sustain this kind of focus in the church. So many people walk in every Sunday with the focus on what church can do for them instead of how they can serve and reach that one person. How is the church meeting my needs and the needs of my family?

Fellowship is about redefining church in the Delaware Valley one heart at a time. That is why we greet...that is why we create environments that inspire and capture the imagination...that is why we leverage our culture in a way that relates to where people are living...that is why we will do anything short of sin to reach someone for Jesus!

There is power in reaching one person. There is a ripple effect because of the lives they touch...their friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family...the people that they interface with each and every day. Tomorrow, I hope to have the baptism video that we showed Sunday on my blog. It shows the power of one...over and over again!

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