Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lessons Learned

Here are some things I wrote in my journal during my recent trip that I want to share with you today. They are in no particular order and I will pose a question to you for each point. I hope you will enjoy…

Leadership principles transcend culture. We had a great time speaking into Jerry’s life regarding the power of vision and leadership. Whether it is with his business or his team, you have to take the reins of what God has placed in your heart and get out front to lead. People will unwittingly try to steer you away from the dreams placed in your heart. If you need people you can’t lead people. We all face the danger of settling for the good instead of God’s best. One of the highlights of my trip was the four of us discussing staffing and leadership.

Question: Are you being true to the calling and vision that God has placed on your life?

My faith has become so sophisticated that at times it is no longer faith at all but some misguided form of intellectualism that pushes back the glory and miracle working power of God. God showed me this, and it was neither comfortable nor pretty. This imprudent kind of belief attempts to box God in and push his wonder out. Because of this I have become more of a “religious cynic” than someone who rejoices at the miraculous hand of God in the lives of people. I will talk about this more on Sunday but God is looking for people who have the audacity to believe in his wonder working power. I want to be one of those people and I will need God’s help to change.

Question: Have you knowingly or unwittingly tried to fit God into the “box” of your human understanding?

Heaven’s Heroes serve in relative obscurity. I met a lady who has given 19 years of her life dedicated to God by following her calling to make a difference in the life of a minority people group. She is single and serves alone, doing what she can to make a difference in the life of others. As I listened to her life story I began to feel smaller and smaller. Things that seemed so important began to look trivial and self-absorbed. I wish I could share more details of her story with you. Truth be told there are hundreds and even thousands of people that serve in this way. They literally forsake all for the mission of Jesus Christ. No limelight or recognition in human terms but in God’s eyes they are his front-line heroes.

Question: Do you seek for human recognition or limelight or is can you serve for an audience of One?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome question for us to ponder, cannot wait to hear your message on Sunday, thanks!