Friday, March 21, 2008

God Paints

The pace of this week has been incredibly high. That is great for productivity but dangerous for my heart. On my way in to work after a late night (1:45 AM) I called my brother. I am excited about collaborating with Buddy on our “I Love” series. As I left him a message I was doing a quick inventory in my mind of what we still needed to discuss for Sunday and I found myself asking him to pray for the condition of my “hurried” heart.

So here is the deal…God has used three phone calls today from three of my closest friends and colleagues to literally embrace me with his love and handiwork. God paints masterpieces on the canvas of our lives and to see the work he is doing in Buddy, Dale, and Greg brings me to my knees.

You see, God changes pastor’s lives too. We are probably the most broken, messed up people around. I’m reminded on this Good Friday when Jesus gave everything and suffered for me that God continues to give. Giving is his essence. He is giving to you right now. You might not see it but I know he is. He gives in the good times and the tough times. He is painting on the canvas of your life.

The story of Easter is about God’s pursuit of people. It’s crazy! We have this big, incredible God chasing a broken and flawed humankind. He desires us…he misses us…I can’t get my arms around that. If you have been chased and tackled by his grace, drop to your knees today and thank him for “catching” you. He is still tackling me.

You blow me away Father. How can I not give you more…how can I not give you my best today and every day. I love you

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